If you don't think this is the greatest blog ever, I will fight you.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Just flippin' wingin' it der guy.

Im blogging just to blog. I feel I need to do it for some reason. I don't even know if people read this anymore. But here we go.
I figure I'll start with a couple updates and we'll go from there.
RYLANS UNFREQUENT UPDATE (cue cheezy news music: baaahh ba bum bum BUM)
Next wed night I officially start training for CFCR 90.5. That's right they're actually going to let me on the air. Jordan Redpath will also be my co-host and I'm sure we will have multiple guests. I still haven't named it yet so any suggestions would be appreciated but a couple possible ideas are: The Best Radio Show Ever Made(maybe a lil long and boastful for my taste), Uncle Dennis' Dog Patch, Pudding and Quantum Mechanics, or something else along those lines.

Also, this is kind of old already, but I did end up hanging out with Evgenia a couple times before she moved back to Calgary and it was a lot of fun. Nothing crazy to tell, just fun stuff.. we went for lemonade, drives along the river, dinner, sushi.. stuff like that(not all in the same night)..nothin crazy just good ol fashioned hanging out. I guess I'd say shes the coolest foreign girl I know. And I did end up writing a song inspired by her and I'll probably post it one of these days if I ever get my site up.
Which is also new.. www.audiovergeproductions.com Theres nothing there now but it's in the works so my company is almost official. Business cards..check, studio affiliation..check, website..check, fancy name title card for my desk..almost. Now I just need to start getting paid for the work I'm doing...

I have done and will continue to post food for thoughts, but I'm going to add a couple new features today.
People I like and Word of the Day.
Todays people I like are: Charles Grodin because he was in the Beethoven movies, Jeremy Mah and Jordan Redpath because they let me eat their food, make me laugh, and always drive me around, Alison Neary because shes sweet like an apple pie, Dwayne Ayers just because, and Tyson Schultz because hes good at stuff, makes me laugh and has good genes.
And don't worry... If I didnt today, I'm bound to like you someday.

And lastly, I will leave you with the Word of the Day: Pudding
And here are some of my favourite anagrams for the word pudding: Did Pung, Dud Ping, Ding Pud, and Dung Dip.

postscript: for pure goodness check out this cartoon called Beautiful Book from supermegacomics.com and this hilarious short called Video Dating by fat-pie.com.


  • Yes, Rylan, you do have readers...I happened upon your blog through Kevin's and I have to say it is quite entertaining! Good to find out what cousin Jordan is up to also!! Great pics. And...really? You guys are going to have a radio program...should be fun...Having a radio spot would be my dream job...but alas, I have laundry to do.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:19 p.m.  

  • hoo-ray! there is hope.... and yes Kristy-anne we should... and the name is all together(its actually a name of one of my songs) Pudding and Quantum Mechanics.

    By Blogger Rylan Schultz, at 5:33 p.m.  

  • does cfcr broadcast online? i totally want to listen to that dude. and what exactly is your business about? just curious as to the kind of work you'll be doing. anyway sounds like great fun ! take the car,


    By Blogger matty, at 12:26 p.m.  

  • As far as I know they don't, but who knows... and AudioVerge is for record production and such.. hopefully I'll find out more about the show next week when I go in..

    By Blogger Rylan Schultz, at 3:43 p.m.  

  • my fave pudding anagram was the last one cus it made me laugh out loud

    By Blogger Linoleum, at 11:25 p.m.  

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