If you don't think this is the greatest blog ever, I will fight you.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Things to do

Here are a few things I have never done before but would like to someday. There are 28 to commemerate one month since the christening of my blogmanship.
01 - Make a tower out of desserts at a buffet.
02 - Tape open my eyes and see how long I can stay awake for.
03 - Dip a frozen banana in chocolate and nuts, then eat it.
04 - Pass out from G-forces.
05 - Grow a decent moustach.
06 - Crash a boat.
07 - Have a bust made of myself making a brilliant face that can serve as a candy dish.
08 - Read the Chronicles of Narnia series for the fourth time.
09 - Unite the clans.
10 - Write a song almost as good as "Roxanne". (By the PO-lice)
11 - Make a life-size portrait of myself shaking hands (roman-style) with Gary Busey.
12 - Make a number one summer jam.
(*note: 13 is omitted because there is no such thing as a thirteenth floor. )
14 - Meet Charles Grodin.
15 - Pull the toupe off an old man.
16 - Adopt a kid and train him up to be the most powerful jedi ever.
17 - Settle down in a little place called Catan.
18 - Appear as an extra in a major motion picture (preferrably in the Spy Kids series).
19 - Beat Charles Bronson at his own game.
20 - Go do something good in Africa.
21 - To ascertain a portrait of a black child's hand petting a dove.
22 - Create a new type of pudding. (is chocolate rasberry one yet?)
23 - Master the harmonica.
24 - Duct tape garbage bags all over myself, then covered in dish soap, slide down a dew covered hill. (Wait.. done that already...)
25 - Have a TV show on a local cable station.
26 - Pick whats behind door number 2.
27 - Rock someone like a hurricane.
28 - Get married and create life through the process of sexual intercourse.

"post script": My hope is that this made you think, "There are so many wonderful things I am missing out on in life." NOW GO, LIVE YOUR LIFE PEOPLE! SEIZE IT LIKE A GARBAGE BAG FULL OF TAPIOCA PUDDING! Inspired? Pfff, whatever, wanna fight about it?


  • no. 10

    Speaking of the song Roxanne, this is one of the funniest songs done Karaoke. I laugh every time!

    By Blogger JAME, at 4:31 p.m.  

  • One time me and your sister lynnel and my sister Kristin wanted to do slip and slide but we didn't have one so we made a slip and slide out of garbage bags and attatched them all to make a long line and then we covered it in dish soap. Then we put the sprinklers on and got into our bathing suits and we did slip and slide for the afternoon. It is kinda like the one you said about going down a hill like that so I thought I would share my story. I was pregnant at the time too! What was I thinking???

    By Blogger Jenna, at 5:00 p.m.  

  • oooo I love lists. Maybe I'll do a list sometime, after my series of course. Maybe you should add to your list, travel to NYC and catch a show on Broadway. Or maybe you should add...do a tap dance in the rain with an umbrella.... so much to do, so little time.

    By Blogger AlisonVeritas, at 1:35 p.m.  

  • chocolate raspberry sounds alright, just spell it right if you wanna invent it, k? thanks.

    By Blogger Kevin, at 10:08 a.m.  

  • Gross...sexual intercourse...
    Megan? Who's Megan?? Ahhhhh....I love Erin!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:19 a.m.  

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