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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Foreign girls and Free Money

I know, I know, the title itself is too intriguing, but don't worry I'll go easy on you. This blog is going to be a blog different from my normal posts, and disappointingly more like the ones everyone else posts. I'm just going to tell a little about things that have happened lately. There won't be many like this and if it gets long I won't blame you for skimming through to the parts you like.
Lets start with free money. Everyone says it doesn't exsist, BUT IT DOES! Want to know where it comes from? Alison will love this one, THE GOVERNMENT. Yah, sounds strange, but the GOV(as I now affectionately call it) is handing it out in handfuls like it's covered in leprosy. To clarify, I was calling various numbers to inquire about temporary work while I'm job searching. I called one and they gave me another number, which in turn gave me another number. The conversation was something like this... "Hey, my name's Rylan, and I'm just calling because the last number I called gave me this number. I've recently moved home and am looking for some temp. work to pay the bills while I'm job searching." -- "And whats your adress?" -- "Umm, Box 444 Dalmeny..." -- "And your full name.." -- ..I proceeded to answer his questions and he gave me a date and time along with adress to attend to. I went to the meeting and long story short... BAM, free money. Doesn't make sense? Doesn't really to me either. It's kind of an EI for those who can't get EI. Anyway, I was blown away by the amount they're giving me for FREE(it's not THAT much but it's freakin' free!), and by the resources available to those who may not have them, ex. computers, printers, resume makers, phone lines for messages, bus tickets and money for transportation: all straight up free. Couldn't believe it.
Next, foreign women. I'm going to start off by saying this is no insult to the women we have here, all fine 'n' dandy, but I'm sure even the ladies will agree with me on this. Recently, Jordan, Dean and I were checking out colognes at the Bay and the girl working was quite attractive. Good looking, great style... nice. But what really set the trap is the fact that she was from Russia and had an amazing accent. A HOT accent. Who knows why it is, but simple and plain there is an allure about accents. Her name was Evgelia, Eve for short. She was really friendly and actually thought we were funny which was nice. All a real nice bonus. Unfortunately, she was moving back to Calgary next month. Then as we were saying goodbye some weird older co-worker walks up and says, "She's married you know." Didn't really make a difference, but kind of burst the fantasy bubble. Too bad, nice girl -accents are hot. Then a couple days later we're walking down the street AND LOOK WHO IT IS , Eve. She smiled, said hi, and offered us a sesame snap. BAM!! Hot, good style, foreign, funny, AND gives me snacks? It was a situation like that that hurt the heart. In a way that we agreed after was good, and we would rather have that hurt than not have it at all. Anyway, I might write a song about the experience. It will either be called Eve or Accents are Hot.
Funny story, a bunch of us were at Beily's the other night - a crew of us are regulars for the Tuesday night live jazz. Being regulars, there is one waitress there who I have kind of gotten to know, so I told our waitress to tell Brandi(the waitress we kinda know) to come and say hi. So we get our food, we're eating and talking and here she comes walking towards our table. So I say, LOOK WHO IT IS! and right at that moment(without having heard me) she turns to the side and sits down at the table beside us and starts talking to the people there. Maybe not as funny to read, but we had a real good laugh. And by we I mean Jeremy and Jordan at me. Later she came and talked to us and I realized she didn't get the message from our server until after she had come to chat to the other people, but still that moment of slight embarrasment was hilarious.
Lastly, Moustaches. They are so awesome! If I could grow a nice one, I would have had it for weeks now. Thomas Miller posted that he will be growing one soon, and that brought joy to my heart. It made me realize that I again need to state, if you can grow a decent moustache.. LET IT GROW BOY, LET IT GROW!
To conclude, I apologize for the long one people, I usually don't have this much of an attention span.

"post script:"If you have ever been to the the-a-tre(say it with a snobby accent) with me then you probably know, I LOVE THE PREVIEWS. For your own well-being check out the the Will Ferrell movie trailers for Kicking and Screaming, and Bewitched, plus MUCH MUCH MORE!


  • foreign girls are hot, i can totally agree there. and hey, i'm job hunting, do email me about this so called free money. that would kick ass. thanks!

    By Blogger matty, at 8:17 p.m.  

  • You're a funny guy. I think I actually wet myself a little tiny bit while laughing and reading your Blog.

    By Blogger A Not So Desperate Housewife, at 8:47 p.m.  

  • I have taken to calling it Guv'mnt. Literally taking out vowels. Like Guvn'r. Guv'mnt. Try it. You'll like it.

    By Blogger AlisonVeritas, at 3:12 p.m.  

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