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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Wrongs made right

I apologize but I have to make a couple of corrections to a previous post. (1) The hot foreign girl's name was not Evgelia, it's Evgenia. and (2) She's definately not married.
I was walking through the bay today(kyle was picking me up from a downtown appointment) and look who's working, Evgenia. So we start talking, no wedding band and long story short the lady that told us she was married thought she was helping her out. What a weirdo. So with these corrections in mind, she now has my number and hopefully a hot foreign style date will be on the way. KEEP POSTED, I'll let you know how it turns out.

"post script": We were talking about this situation at dinner tonight, and somewhere in there I said "Hey, let's not russian in to anything." Aha, if you know the contempt I hold for cheezy jokes and puns then you realize why this is actually funny.


  • congratulations, i hope everything works out with her... at least you'll smell good if you keep visisting her at work!

    By Blogger Kevin, at 6:05 p.m.  

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