If you don't think this is the greatest blog ever, I will fight you.

Monday, April 18, 2005

How much do I love history? This picture shows how much. What else do I love? A big cup of bubble tea while listening to good music and watching a good fight. That would be entertaining. Who can deny the combination of tapioca balls, intellectual stimulation and blood? Answer me that!

"Post Script." Pastor Marv said "post script" in his sermon today. And also I didnt use any effects on this picture. Happy Kristy-Anne?


  • i love your blogs. they make me laugh. teehee.

    By Blogger Kerilyn, at 6:33 p.m.  

  • Post Script, how about post haste? Use that one and people will think you are the most brilliant man alive. Example of proper usage: I must visit the loo post haste.
    Def: urgently, as quickly as possible, immediately, sooner than soon.
    Did you get my email?

    By Blogger AlisonVeritas, at 7:47 p.m.  

  • Rylan I totally noticed when P.Marvin said post script in in his sermon yesterday! Do you think he reads your blogs?!

    Alison that is truly funny what you wrote! I think I will use that exact line in London in 2 weeks, they say loo there.

    By Blogger kristin janzen, at 10:33 p.m.  

  • I liked history, I liked cheating in my history class, oh mr. roy, seriously if you take the hat off of the quaker man, thats what my history teacher looks like. But he didn't take it as a compliment when i told him that, maybe thats why he made fun of me, i have to say when i was reading the history texts my face didn't look like that, I was wondering how i could fit all the answers to the test on my eraser and make them look like inconspicuous things like people's names or phone numbers!

    By Blogger normanvanashley, at 11:33 p.m.  

  • Bwah! For those who ask no answer could suffice. Great blog! However I will have to side with Tyson on the bubble tea issue.
    Peace and all that

    By Blogger Melissa, at 11:49 p.m.  

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