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Friday, June 03, 2005

Incomplete.. err Overdone?

Ok... here's a quick one about the Backstreet Boys. I never figured I'd write about the Backstreet Boys (or Backdoor Boys as we used to call them- kids can be so cruel) but their new video has become kind of a conversation piece.
You probably know exactly what I'm talking about, but if you haven't seen it, here's the jist. After a long break the Backstreet Boys are back with more stylish clothes and dramatic antics. Their new single is called Incomplete, and I've gotta say, it's a half decent song. They probably paid tons of money for it, so it better be. Now the issue isn't with the song, or even the fact that I wasn't glad even the first time "Backsteet" was back, it's just that the new video would actually be cool if the Backstreet Boys weren't in it. Super cool scenery, lighting, cinematography, but the Boys are just SO FREAKIN' DRAMATIC! I mean you've got a new image and new sound, why didn't you get rid of the old act? We got AJ rubbin' his face every two seconds, Nick and Brian are stretching their arms out and making faces like they're doing some kind of constipation aerobic therapy, and what's this? Howie's playin in the dirt like he just got out of pre-school or dropped a piece of gum. And we all could of done without the hat flip. Thanks for that though. Kevin seems like the only half normal guy.. just kind of keepin' to himself by the piano. All the trees are burnt and it probably stinks, but at least he doesn't have to hang out with the rest of them.. Howie might end up kicking sand in his eyes.
The problem is that without them the song and video are half-decent, so it's like you want to give 'em a chance but everytime you try Nick stretches out his neck and crys again.
So Lynnel and Ashley have rated them in order of cheezy dramatics.
5 - Kevin, he pretty much just kicked it, so he seems normal.
4 - Brian, the crying was a bit much.. maybe he lost some loose change in the ocean.
3 - AJ, he's pretty hardcore with his neck tattoo but the swaying and the arms kinda kill it.
2 - Nick, with the pulling and the reaching and the straining... don't hurt yourself bud.
1 - Howie, if the sand didn't put him over the edge, the hat certainly puts him at the top.

postscript: If you're wondering how I knew all their names, I didn't. Ashley told me, I swear.


  • i know all their names... and i'm mostly secure devulging that information. i think i would've put nick at the bottom of that list. and brian probably would've been lower if they would've shown him for more than 24 seconds

    By Blogger Kevin, at 3:47 p.m.  

  • I have never seen this video and I can honestly say I see no need to now that I have had such an incredibly deep, intricate, and detailed description. If I ever lose my sight and need someone to describe things to me. My peeps will call your peeps.

    By Blogger AlisonVeritas, at 4:57 p.m.  

  • i might be tired, i dont know, but I killed myself laughing the whole time i read that

    By Blogger Jenna, at 6:21 p.m.  

  • gee thanks

    By Blogger Rylan Schultz, at 1:35 a.m.  

  • Ry you kill me. How come you were never this funny when we were bunkies?!?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:49 p.m.  

  • Frick that was funny!
    I don't know if I have laughed that hard in a long time, lol just don't foget the part when ages sings something about voices telling him something...doesnt look to good on his part.
    anyway I just found this blog by random link, and I am glad i did its friggen funny lol

    By Blogger Faith, at 1:32 a.m.  

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