If you don't think this is the greatest blog ever, I will fight you.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Hey there. Just wanted to share this with all of you. If you get it, leave a comment. If you don't get it, thats ok, you can still leave a comment. Also for some good fun, play this "guess the superhero" game. I got 19 / 21. And for general help in life, check out my comment on Kristyanne's blog. Posted by Hello


  • Hey,

    Your blog is really funny, especially the title.


    By Blogger Maureen, at 9:35 p.m.  

  • I liked your comment on Sumo's blog. Genius. I know I wish I had bigger hands.

    By Blogger matty, at 9:54 p.m.  

  • The prize of a new wagon, two oxen and a daughter with tuberculosis goes to Tyson Schultz!

    By Blogger Rylan Schultz, at 12:07 a.m.  

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