...Next time won't you sing with me
A is for Apples because I was always grossed out by the kid in class who ate the core.
B is for Barnacles because its fun to say.
C is for Camera and Creepy because there was an old guy taking pictures of us playing tennis with our shirts off from behind the bushes.
D is for Delicious Coconut Bubble Tea because I love the milk and chewy tapioca balls.
E is for Elephant because its funny when their penis's drag on the ground.
F is for Freud because he proves that being screwed up is popular.
G is for Going to Bed because thats what I should be doing right now.
H is for Having absolutely no idea what you're doing because I sure as hell don't and we're only on H.
I is for I-POD because I-WISH.
J is for Juicy fruit, the gum and the real thing, because they're both so good, except the gum doesn't get your chin and your hands all sticky.
K is for Killing skunks because my brother makes it sound pretty intense.
L is for Losing at tennis because it makes me very frustrated.
M is for Music because I love it more than a fat kid loves cake.
N is for No food in the house because man I really need to go buy groceries.
O is for OK this isn't funny anymore because lets be honest here, the novelty wore off at Elephant penis.
P is for Pudding because come on, we all knew it was is coming, and hey it's pudding.
Q is for Quantum because if you put that word before a boring word it makes it so much cooler. Try it sometime. Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Leap, Quantum Cassarole...
R is for Really dumb because I'm reading this over and it is, but I'll still end up posting it.
S is for Sour Soothers and Scattegories because they both taste good? I really got nothin' here.. I just wanted to include them.
T is for Tents because I'm looking forward to camping this summer.
U is for Usurper of the Throne because honestly it's all I could really think of. And also I think it would be fun to yell. "DAMN YOU TO HELL YOU NO GOOD USURPER OF THE THRONE!"
V is for Viscosity because its a tough one to use on a day to day basis. "My Janet, the viscosity of this punch is abhorrent."
W is for When will this be over because it's taking a lot longer than I thought it would.
X is for X-men because I really hope Gambit will be in the next movie. (I checked just now, he will be.)
Y is for Yelling really obvious things at people on the street as you're driving by, like "Hey your legs are moving!" And then they will actually look at their legs to see what you're talking about. It's really funny.
Z is for ZZZ's because I am about to go catch some.
Ahh yes, some post-midnight ramblings. I know that next time I am driving down 8th street, I will have to try yelling obvious things at people...that sounds like fun.
Just Me, at 10:50 a.m.
yes this list made me chuckle but definitely at Y... maybe me and jen will have to go together and do that... i want in. good times!
Linoleum, at 11:23 p.m.
URSURPER OF THE THRONE... HA you put that on my map! the whole crown bit.. from white ninja .... halarious!
JAME, at 4:45 p.m.
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