If you don't think this is the greatest blog ever, I will fight you.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Heres a picture 'cause its cool. Found at http://alvinsdrawings.blogspot.com Posted by Hello

Here goes nothin.

I haven't posted anything recently because our computer has been broken. It's a sad thing but what can ya do. So I'm at Jordans house and I don't really have time to write anything too entertaining, but it's been awhile so here goes nothin. I aplogize if this comes across as someone awkwardly trying to make conversation when they have nothing to say but thats basically what I'm doing.
MMMmmm... Tennis. I've been playin a lot of tennis lately. Yeah, tennis is a good game. I like the swing... the swinging of the racket... also the bounciness of the balls.. its pretty fun.
And how about that creepy guy hey, pretty creepy.
Sooo been keeping busy lately? You look good, you look good.
Aha just kidding I've gotta cut this short... don't worry I've got a couple good ones in the works soon to come.
Oh but I guess I can always lean back on a couple of random features.
Mmmm WORD OF THE DAY... uhhh Scrofulous. Look it up.
People I like... Larry David and mmm lets go with Christian Bale also know as BATMAN. Good show check it out.
and Quote of the day: "I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada." - Britney Spears, Pop Singer

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I was going to post a picture of an elephant penis to go with the last post but instead here's a picture of the creepy guy who was taking pictures of us playing tennis. I was killing myself laughing when I busted him trying to hide his digital camera. He kept coming back so I grabbed my camera phone, walked up to the fence and said "Well if you've got some pictures of us, I figure we might as well have one of you." Its too bad you cant really see his face because it was hilarious. Beady eyes and white scruff. Wow. And nice short shorts too. Posted by Hello

Monday, June 20, 2005

...Next time won't you sing with me

A is for Apples because I was always grossed out by the kid in class who ate the core.

B is for Barnacles because its fun to say.

C is for Camera and Creepy because there was an old guy taking pictures of us playing tennis with our shirts off from behind the bushes.

D is for Delicious Coconut Bubble Tea because I love the milk and chewy tapioca balls.

E is for Elephant because its funny when their penis's drag on the ground.

F is for Freud because he proves that being screwed up is popular.

G is for Going to Bed because thats what I should be doing right now.

H is for Having absolutely no idea what you're doing because I sure as hell don't and we're only on H.

I is for I-POD because I-WISH.

J is for Juicy fruit, the gum and the real thing, because they're both so good, except the gum doesn't get your chin and your hands all sticky.

K is for Killing skunks because my brother makes it sound pretty intense.

L is for Losing at tennis because it makes me very frustrated.

M is for Music because I love it more than a fat kid loves cake.

N is for No food in the house because man I really need to go buy groceries.

O is for OK this isn't funny anymore because lets be honest here, the novelty wore off at Elephant penis.

P is for Pudding because come on, we all knew it was is coming, and hey it's pudding.

Q is for Quantum because if you put that word before a boring word it makes it so much cooler. Try it sometime. Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Leap, Quantum Cassarole...

R is for Really dumb because I'm reading this over and it is, but I'll still end up posting it.

S is for Sour Soothers and Scattegories because they both taste good? I really got nothin' here.. I just wanted to include them.

T is for Tents because I'm looking forward to camping this summer.

U is for Usurper of the Throne because honestly it's all I could really think of. And also I think it would be fun to yell. "DAMN YOU TO HELL YOU NO GOOD USURPER OF THE THRONE!"

V is for Viscosity because its a tough one to use on a day to day basis. "My Janet, the viscosity of this punch is abhorrent."

W is for When will this be over because it's taking a lot longer than I thought it would.

X is for X-men because I really hope Gambit will be in the next movie. (I checked just now, he will be.)

Y is for Yelling really obvious things at people on the street as you're driving by, like "Hey your legs are moving!" And then they will actually look at their legs to see what you're talking about. It's really funny.

Z is for ZZZ's because I am about to go catch some.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

This is Jordan and I modelling. Also for your viewing pleasure I have replaced the Today in History sidebar with a MusicVideo, because lets face it, noone cares about history. The only problem is now everything's at the very bottom of the page. So if you hear music, thats where its coming from. If anyone is HTML literate PLEASE help me!

Pudding and its affects on Chinese politics.

Well, when I hit my blog to check the comments I noticed the counter was at 1999. So I figured I have to write something to celebrate such a momentous occasion. Possible titles were: Party like it's 1999 and Why 2K? but I decided to go with something more fitting.
I was going to write a bunch of things anyway so this might be a whole load of nothing, but to start it off I did a quick run through of my blogging exploits and here's a couple highlights.

- Who knows why it is, but simple and plain there is an allure about accents.
- "Hey, let's not russian in to anything."
- #27 - Rock someone like a hurricane.
- Who can deny the combination of tapioca balls, intellectual stimulation and blood?
- For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee
- I will also note that any unsolicited contact of your armpits to Ashley will do nothing but help the situation.
- ..So really it all comes down to Freud and his lesser known theory of "Hand Envy".
- Curiosity killed the cat. Yeeaaaaah.. curiosity....

So I was talking to a buddy and he suggested I write about the fact that humans are the only mammals to drink milk after infancy. I thought this was funny because another friend also had made this point the night before. So lets discuss, shall we? Milks friggin' delicious. Were the only mammal smart enough to realize this. It's that simple. Does anyone else have an opinion? No? Ok, I think that pretty much sums it up.
Next, I would like to talk about people that talk with their hands. We all know someone that does it. Every expression is involved in some sort of wrist-flick or arm wave. Do we really need the boy scout flagging to correctly interpret the message? I highly doubt it. My favorite is when hand talkers are confined to small spaces and they are forced to be creative with their gesturing. It's amusingly awkward. The reason I thought about this, was because our neighbours were out on their back porch hanging out/talking and one of the girls was a definite hand talker. I almost tried to figure out what they were talking about, but I could really only tell when they were describing the sizes of things. I thought it would be funny to videotape them and then add my own audio. It might sound something like, "Oh my gosh, Debby! (shoulder shove) I saw this huge wave (arm wave) topple over (wrist rolling motion) this group of midgets! (something small gesture)"
Maybe it was funnier in my head.
Well to cut this short the Word of the Day is: GANGRENE Say it slow and creepy like... Gaaaannnnnnggggrrreeeeennnnneeee
Nice anagrams for Gangrene are Nagger En, Genre Nag, and Anne Greg.
And todays new feature is LOGAN SAYS. Logan Says: "Don't get venerial diseases."
So here's to pudding, moustaches, Evgenia, this guy, the number 2000, and being absolutely ridiculous.

[postcript]: Stay tuned for upcoming blogs such as: "1001 uses for Pudding", "Interviews with Random Strangers", "Music you should like", and "If you weren't my cousin..."

Monday, June 06, 2005

For those of you who aren't Kevin Janzen, heres a quick reference guide. Sorry it took so long to get a picture for the last post, I was gone to Kyle and Maureens wedding and it was good fun. So for today, the People I Like are from the wedding. Kyle and Maureen, Hal and Irene, Priya and Salvine. Like the rhyming pairs? Heres a link where you can listen to the song I wrote for their first dance. And also Word of the Day is Allegory. My favourite anagrams for allegory are: LEGAL ROY, LARGE LOY, ROYAL LEG, ALLY OGRE, GAL LEROY, ALE GLORY, and my overall favourite EAR GOLLY. "Mmm, that 50cent tune sure is an ear golly!" "Mm, indeed."

Friday, June 03, 2005

Incomplete.. err Overdone?

Ok... here's a quick one about the Backstreet Boys. I never figured I'd write about the Backstreet Boys (or Backdoor Boys as we used to call them- kids can be so cruel) but their new video has become kind of a conversation piece.
You probably know exactly what I'm talking about, but if you haven't seen it, here's the jist. After a long break the Backstreet Boys are back with more stylish clothes and dramatic antics. Their new single is called Incomplete, and I've gotta say, it's a half decent song. They probably paid tons of money for it, so it better be. Now the issue isn't with the song, or even the fact that I wasn't glad even the first time "Backsteet" was back, it's just that the new video would actually be cool if the Backstreet Boys weren't in it. Super cool scenery, lighting, cinematography, but the Boys are just SO FREAKIN' DRAMATIC! I mean you've got a new image and new sound, why didn't you get rid of the old act? We got AJ rubbin' his face every two seconds, Nick and Brian are stretching their arms out and making faces like they're doing some kind of constipation aerobic therapy, and what's this? Howie's playin in the dirt like he just got out of pre-school or dropped a piece of gum. And we all could of done without the hat flip. Thanks for that though. Kevin seems like the only half normal guy.. just kind of keepin' to himself by the piano. All the trees are burnt and it probably stinks, but at least he doesn't have to hang out with the rest of them.. Howie might end up kicking sand in his eyes.
The problem is that without them the song and video are half-decent, so it's like you want to give 'em a chance but everytime you try Nick stretches out his neck and crys again.
So Lynnel and Ashley have rated them in order of cheezy dramatics.
5 - Kevin, he pretty much just kicked it, so he seems normal.
4 - Brian, the crying was a bit much.. maybe he lost some loose change in the ocean.
3 - AJ, he's pretty hardcore with his neck tattoo but the swaying and the arms kinda kill it.
2 - Nick, with the pulling and the reaching and the straining... don't hurt yourself bud.
1 - Howie, if the sand didn't put him over the edge, the hat certainly puts him at the top.

postscript: If you're wondering how I knew all their names, I didn't. Ashley told me, I swear.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Postscript to the last one..

Here's a thinker... If you don't have good self-control, where do you get the motivation to develop good self-control?

Why am I still awake?

Your thoughts.