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Saturday, October 15, 2005

holla holla holla holla holla

Well its been so long since I last wrote anything... here comes another guilt driven post. There are a couple unfinished blogs on my roommates computer, but I will get to those soon. How about we open up a discussion? Mmmm... Wine. Your thoughts. Lately Ive been really feelin it. I dont know why, sometimes I like it sometimes I dont. Favourite wine right now... Fat Bastard for white and this Inniskillen stuff Jordan had for red. Lets see, also up for dicussion.... halloween costumes. What are you planning on being? Any suggestions as to what I should be? I have a couple ideas but they are all quite extravagant. Whats new with me lately...... I put in my two weeks notice at the roofing company I am currently working at. So hopefully I will be in the studio more often and I will probably get a parttime job somewhere near my house. Im at a friends house right now and everyone is watching a movie I have already seen. Well, Ive seen the first 3/4's of it, so Im just killing time until the end. Well I guess I can always resort to ridiculous features to write something. How about word of the day and music i like. Word of the day is Pantaloons. Try using this in a conversation today. There are SO many anagrams for this word like A SLOP ON TAN or SNOT ON A PAL, I wont even try to make a whole list. Music I like today is ....... mmm theres a lot. I fell asleep to Bloc Party today which is one of my newer cd's. Check out any of their songs to get the vibe. What else... I guess since I started with sleep lets keep that theme going. Good artists to fall asleep to.. Feist for sure. Eva Cassidy, Coldplay, These Hands, Norah Jones, Ray Charles, Jack Johnson. Recent and upcoming concerts to check out: Feist and Arcade Fire were just here and Metric and Bella are coming soon so hopefully I will be hittin those. Well so long for now, hopefully the movie is almost over.


  • good costume ideas should always include a friend, you could be a candle and a larger friend could be a pumpkin together a jac-o-lantern. ... its a good idea... you should do it!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:51 p.m.  

  • When you say "larger friend", are you suggesting an obeise friend?
    Also, how does the candle fit inside the jac-o-lantern?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:09 p.m.  

  • i DONT KNOW! maybe you could have a hollow jac-o-lantern that was really big and the candle could try and sqeeze in, your skinny enough , although walking could be kindof hard, or.. you could come up with a better way.... but i dont know what it would be

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:49 a.m.  

  • I will be dressing up as fat pregnant woman. Why don't you give that one a try!

    By Blogger AlisonVeritas, at 3:06 p.m.  

  • I am quite sure that you will come up with something ammusing for Halloween...Please stop by and trick-or-treat!! Tim and I have been wanting to dress up like Neo and Trinity...even though they are a tad pass-ay... As far as wine goes...I have expensive taste...I prefer Port. I also have to say that I am quite impressed with your ecclectic taste in music...

    By Blogger Just Me, at 4:20 p.m.  

  • I think being eccletic in your tastes is important. As far as I'm concerned there are only two genres of music... good music and music I could improve with noises made by my nose and a straw.

    By Blogger Rylan Schultz, at 8:48 a.m.  

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