If you don't think this is the greatest blog ever, I will fight you.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I have made Ashley a collage of diagrams, techniques, and demonstrations of various arm pits for her "healing". Also, the sketch with the arrow says, "armpit hair is sexy."Posted by Hello


  • Rylan,
    that is soo gorss, but really funny! I didn't realize you had a blog until now. I will definitly add you to my list of bloggers.

    By Blogger Jenna, at 10:57 a.m.  

  • hey rylan, this is pretty funny stuff! you should change your settings so that anyone can leave a comment, like your blogless sister, lynnel.
    and krustin is what kenny bodverson calls me. lovely nickname.

    By Blogger kristin janzen, at 1:18 p.m.  

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