Turkish Delight
This blog is about turkish delight. If you have ever eaten turkish delight then you already know... it is gross. Think of the board room at the candy makers when the guy said, "WAIT! I've got it! Lets put disgusting purple jelly inside chocolate as to ruin the taste of the chocolate so that noone will enjoy it. They will be intrigued by the name, and then excited when they see the chocolate, and then.... BAM PURPLE JELLY!" Now you'll all go buy turkish delight and they will give me money for my endorsements. (But don't go to TURKISHDELIGHT.COM or you will find pictures of foreign Women.)
an authentic turkish delight candy does not consist of chocolate and purple jelly sweetheart.
Unknown, at 5:58 a.m.
well then you should hook me up...
Rylan Schultz, at 5:52 p.m.
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