If you don't think this is the greatest blog ever, I will fight you.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Micheal Cera and I making fun of a little chinese guy playing drums. Well we didnt really make fun of him, we didnt really have to. Imagine a 70 year old chinese man playing a kids drum set and singing "Achey Breaky Heart". Yah. If you look really close, you can see him in the background.  Posted by Picasa

Well it's been a while...

Hullo to everyone who still checks this... I know its been far too long but I guess that makes for a more interesting update. I'm going to keep this pretty short because I'm off to Calgary in a couple hours and I haven't even started to get my stuff together. Plus I just wrote half this post and then my stupid internet erased it. So its a been 1 whole month since I last wrote anything, but I'd like to justify that by making myself believe I've been busy. Which is mostly true.. for those that don't already know, I spent the last week plus a couple days suffering in the glorious heat of Los Angeles. But I guess the best way to do this would be chronological order. Beginning of the month: worked with my dad to pay for the trip. Not really blog-worthy stuff, just a bunch of shingles and driving around. My show at Mystic Java on the 15th went well. I'm revising and writing some new stuff right now so I will start booking shows when I get back from Calgary. And I'll try to give you all an adequet heads-up next time. I left for LA the next monday, and it was amazing. A bunch of us stayed at the LA Dream Center for a week. If you don't know what it is you can check the website, but basically its a church that helps the poor and homeless in the surrounding downtown area in LA. If you haven't been, its worth going for sure. It was my second time there so I kind of already knew what areas I wanted to help out with. I love working with MetroKidz. Basically they have a huge truck that turns into a stage and they drive to poor neighbourhoods and put on a program for all the kids. Kids are always good times. I went to skid row again which is where most of the homeless/prostitution/drugaddicts are located. That was awesome because a lot of the people down there are actually really cool. I played street ball with a couple of kids against these huge black guys. Yah we got worked over. Anyway, to wrap that all up, its always an awesome eyeopener and really changes your perspective of how we view people that are down and out. At night we went to Hollywood a couple times and also Santa Monica, which is my favourite place I'd say. We went there a couple times with Hope For Homeless Youth, which is a program for the homeless teens down there. One night we went to the promenade in Santa Monica to shop and I met Micheal Cera who plays George Micheal on the show Arrested Development, which is amazing if you haven't seen it yet. It was pretty cool, we hung out and made fun of buskers. He was a pretty good guy. Anywho, we left the Dream Center saturday night and stayed in Anaheim until tuesday. The weather was so freakin' nice I was tempted to disappear and miss my flight home.. not to rub it in for anyone who was stuck here while it was 4 degrees and raining. Oh and while I was there, I talked with this guy who's a record producer- he produced for Kelly Clarkson and was in Nick Carters band and Sonic Flood- and anyway its a cool connection to have and he gave me some really good advice. And I've been saying for a while that I'll move down there someday but I think that it might be sooner than later. But keep that on the down-low.... nothing's for sure yet..
Well this is getting long but I think the word of the day is Obstetrician. Do you know what that is? I'm sure most of the girls would... and I heard someone I know may be needing one soon, or I guess already has one... congrats... to whomever you may be...
Music I like for today is Golddigger by Kanye West, My Doorbell by The White Stripes, and mostly because its funny Bucky Done Gun by M.I.A.. There's a lot of other stuff I've been pumping these days but I'm running low on time so until next time, keep it real people.

postscript: if you haven't seen the trailer for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe I suggest you do good sirs... I almost peed my pants.... maybe just a little............

Sunday, August 07, 2005

well I kept it a secret for a long time, but its kinda come out in the open now so I figure I might as well let everyone know... I didnt really tell people because I figured I'd do better in front of people I dont know but now Ive decided it doesnt really matter... I'm just playing acoustic versions of some of my stuff, hopefully all goes well... oh and I haven't been blogging because I havent even finished all the lyrics to my songs yet... like the picture Kristyanne? *what am I looking at? Posted by Picasa