If you don't think this is the greatest blog ever, I will fight you.

Friday, December 23, 2005

SOOOOooooo.... hows... things...?

I've chosen the title for this post because it sounds like something I'd say if I had nothing to say... which is not far from the truth. Here's what has happened.... I don't have a computer right now so the times I actually get on a computer been far and few between. Even now as I'm sitting on this computer typing away, my sister is bugging me to get off so we can leave. Ever seen the Seinfeld where Kramer waited so long to go to the bathroom that he "missed his chance"? That's kind of how I feel. Im so out of the blogging routine that I feel my creative juices for blogging have missed their chance? Maybe thats a bad analogy.... Anyhow remember those "good" blogs I promised a while ago?.. They're still on Jeremy's computer; so as soon as I get a laptop - Boxing day? - there will be some new posts. In short, I'm not dead - nay, far from it- I'm simply storing up my 'blogging juices' for the new year. If anyone checks this still, I'll talk to you soon. Sincerely, and slightly sarcastically yours, P. Rylan R. Schultz the fifth.

[postscript] I have been busy writing songs so I will be posting showtimes and recordings soon. Stay tuned for further adventures.